Assigning a Task to Yourself

  1. In your Calendar, open the Day view, then select a date.

    If you try to post a task to a date earlier than today, the task is posted to today’s date.

  2. In the Tasks section, click the Add a task field.

  3. Type a subject.

  4. Press Enter.

    Your task is immediately posted to the date you selected. GroupWise uses the date you selected as the starting and ending date for your task.

  5. (Optional) To change the starting date, ending date, description or to add a priority to your task, double-click the task in the Tasks section.

  6. Click Post on the tool bar

Personal tasks are placed in your Calendar and in your Tasklist folder. They are not placed in your Mailbox, or in any other user’s Mailbox.

HINT:You can also create a Tasklist that is not associated with your Calendar. In this type of list, any item type (mail, appointment, task, reminder note, phone message) can be used. For information, see Using the Tasklist Folder.

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